Lovely Runner (2024)



8.5 2016

The story seems different because in this one ML is a Webtoon Character. But both leads tried to change the fate of their future. Both have exciting storylines.
- both dramas has idol male lead that are experiencing depression - both dramas has female lead that got inspired by their "idol" to continue and live their lives - both dramas circles around how the 'fan' will help back their 'idol'
Both consist of kdramas where there is time travel. In Go Back Couple, both couples go back in time whereas in Lovely Runner only the FL goes back in time. They both also consist of leads trying to find love.
Time travel: Male and female leads keep meeting in different time zones. The male lead keeps attempting to save the female lead.

8.3 2015

Both are similar in a way that female leads tried to help their crush live. Both shows also have the same time travel troupe but different in medium.

9.0 2022

The genre is different, Lovely runner is traveling to past where reset is time loop 1) the chemistry between ml and fl is amazing. 2) you'll be thrilled every second. Reset doesn't has much comedy.but has the grip to hold you from start to end . 3) in both dramas there is a culprit they have to find and prevent accident , in order to stay alive. 4) in lovely runner only the fl is time traveling and in reset both protagonists (ml +fl) are stuck in time loop and they're trying to escape it.
im sol is as energetic and lively as na heedo, they both give off a cute pure hearted vibe The mls also have a similar softness and personality, though bark yejin was more mature as he was older But the times of nostalgia and youthful energy are the same too, eventho one is a time traveling drama and the other is a reminiscing about the past
Both "While You Were Sleeping" and "Lovely Runner" share a central theme involving the supernatural ability to foresee future events. In "While You Were Sleeping," the characters experience prophetic dreams that show future incidents, allowing them to attempt to prevent these events from happening. Similarly, "Lovely Runner" features characters who can travel back in time to alter events in an attempt to prevent future tragedies. As with "While You Were Sleeping," this creates a paradox: their actions in the past intended to change the future can either fail to prevent the event or cause it to happen in a different way. The very act of trying to change the future by modifying past events can lead to a fixed timeline where the future remains unchangeable despite their best efforts. If you enjoy thought-provoking stories with engaging characters and intricate plotlines, both "While You Were Sleeping" and "Lovely Runner" are worth adding to your watchlist.
Both dramas have a female lead who is a fan of the ML, saving the ML from their future death and both ML are stars/singers.
Hidden Love

9.0 2023

Similarities : -one of the leads has a secret crush on the other for years. - both male leads are green flags - height difference couple - drama that takes place in the younger years of the main characters lives - both are nostalgic although Lovely Runner takes place in the early 2000’s - both female leads are shorter and very sweet - both female leads have a funny relationship with an older brother - both have great kiss scenes
Cool on the outside and Dorky on the inside male lead surrounded by a bunch of over dramatic bros Nutty female lead that doesn’t come off as being a airhead. Both are fun campy series that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Same concept of time travel but in bl prospective. The time travel using watch here using a globe. Only difference there is a villon but here the main lead is villon his gread and self absorbed is the problem. I think character development is so good also it hard to watch because ML is not perfect he is self absorbed and complaining every mistake on others then learn to improve using time travel
• The plot is somehow very similar • The protagonist will time travel to save ML • May be they will change their future • And obviously they will fall in love Hope that this helps cause as I saw the trailer i suddenly remembered about marry my husband and the similarities between these two shows
Love in Time

7.0 2018

Both -have an actress/actor that dies multiple times. -Each death creates a new scenario - Multiple time travel trips Watch to see if time travel yields a happy ending like Lovely Runner.
Similarly - time travel to the past - FL tries to fix things - ML doesn't believe Fl but somehow falls for her Difference - setting (PMR time travel to past is bear tobthe future like its tt to a year back) - atmosphere is more somber in PMR