Burn the House Down (2023)


Similar vibe that makes you wrong guess who the real culprit is. A lot of suspense, family drama and obviously the arson.
Kazoku Game

8.6 2013

Similarities -Both dramas are about working class main characters who sneak into the lives of a wealthy household to expose them. -[mini-spoiler] There is a recluse son that the family is trying to protect. Neither family is good at it either. - Nothing is as it seems, and there are several plot-twists in both stories - Both main leads went through a severe trauma that they are trying to make sure never happens again -Both households have two sons that are essential to the story -Both stories tackle narcissism, and how it effects everyone around you Differences -Kazoku Game's main male lead is a private tutor, whereas, Mitaraike, Enjou Suru is a house-keeper - Kazoku Game is surprisingly more violent then Mitaraike, Enjoy Suru -Kazoku Game is more focused on the family drama ,whereas, Mitaraike, Enjoy Suru is a mystery of who exactly burned the house down -Personally, I think Mitaraike, Enjou Suru has a happier ending then the conclusion of Kazoku Game I really recommend both dramas if you like dark, psychological thrillers.

7.3 2024

its also about mystery and uncovering the truth plus jdrama..................................................
The Glory

8.9 2022

Revenge story. strong willed female leads A high school student dreams of becoming an architect. However, she had to drop out of school after suffering from brutal school violence. Years later, the perpetrator gets married and has a kid. Once the kid is in elementary school, the former victim becomes her homeroom teacher and starts her thorough revenge towards the perpetrators and bystanders of her bullying days.
The fire house and the criminal investigation totally made me think of this Japanese thriller that addresses the same theme and has a fairly close cinematography, even sometimes background music. There are also family and power conflicts in the background