A high school student dreams of becoming an architect. However, she had to drop out of school after suffering from brutal school violence. Years later, the perpetrator gets married and has a kid. Once the kid is in elementary school, the former victim becomes her homeroom teacher and starts her thorough revenge towards the perpetrators and bystanders of her bullying days. (Source: Soompi)
- Country:South Korea
- Episodes: 8
- Aired: Dec 30, 2022
- Brodcast: Friday
- Duration: 50 min.
- Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)
- Score: 8.9/10(by 74,554 users)
- Ranked: #100
- Popularity: #47
- Watchers: 114.2K
- Screenwriter: Kim Eun Sook
- Director: Ahn Gil Ho
- Networks: Netflix
- Genres: Thriller ; Drama ; Melodrama
- Tags: Revenge ;School Bullying ;School Violence ;Sexual Content ;Social Issues ;Doctor Male Lead ;Time Skip ;Antiheroine Female Lead ;Nonlinear Narrative ;Teacher Female Lead