What's Up, Fox? (2006)


There are a lot of dramas that have older woman/younger man relationships but these are both written and acted extremely well. They are similar in their concept of the woman coming to grips with the age difference. There is a lot of comedy and heart in both stories and both are fun to watch!
I Do, I Do

7.3 2012

Both dramas feature strong independent women who have one night stands with younger men. The male characters have to prove themselves to stubborn women (who are really just insecure about needing someone to love). Two great shows which stray from the typical cliched drama plots.
Both main female leads are single in their 30's Both main male leads/ love interests are the bests friend's younger brother Both of the younger brothers come back from a long trip and then is "somehow different" to the main female lead
Same amazing male lead (Chun Jung Myung), both are more realistic than most dramas although Goodbye solo is deeper and more serious.
Oh! My Lady

7.4 2010

Both dramas involve a relationship between a older woman and a younger man
What does a “mature” kdrama rom-com look like? Both dramas attempt to answer the question in flawed but interesting ways.
older woman, younger man pairing. main female leads are similar in that they're both good at everything but this.
They both deal with the relathionship between an older woman and a younger man in a realistic way.They are funny and steamy, a joy to watch.If you like one you would most likely enjoy the other as well!!
It's about a older girl who get's the younger guy's heart! The female is more independent while the male is super cute!
Both are RomComs about unlikely couples. Both deal with mature relationship subjects. Both star Chun Jung Myung being extremely charming. There is almost a 10 year difference between the 2 dramas (What's Up Fox is definitely dated), but If you're looking to watch more Chun Jung Myung chemistry, he is equally unexpectedly crushable in both.
Both women pretend to know a lot about sex and write about it, while in fact they have never proceed to it in their relationships.
Ban Ji Yeon is a 39-year old reporter who has been focusing on her career ever since she was stood up on her wedding day. Ban Ji yeon meets yoon dong ha, a 25 year old owner of a small errand center. yoon dong ha also went through losing someone he dearly loved, making it hard for him to love again. The two meet in a unexpected way and find unexpected love from each other.
Both have a similar easter egg. I can't tell because of spoilers haha
Both dramas tell the story of an independent working woman who meets and falls in love with a younger man. Both are extremely well written, comedic, tender and smart.