Move to Heaven (2021)


Autism child are good at memory. Socially awkward, hard time expressing, but with love and TLC autism person can live a normal life
One of the scene remind me of Move to Heaven. Have to clean the room after someone dead horriblely in it
Move to heaven has an episode cover story of illegal Korean immigrant to America. They had hard life in USA, poverty etc.
Same uplifting and inspirational vibe. Also has very human characters, and complicated relationships. Main characters are all deeply flawed but work with what they're given

8.5 2008

Deals with themes of loss and acceptance Both characters seemed lost from their previous jobs/life, as they go deeper into funeral work. Through their journey of helping people move on, they begin to re-discover themselves and what they lost.

8.7 2018

Both series focus on finding out what happened to deceased individuals. Move to Heaven takes a more sentimental approach, as they run a company that cleans out/takes care of the belongings. Unnatural is a bit more serious as it follows coroners and their discoveries. While different in occupation, I found both to be similar as they don't just simply solve the mystery of death, but more complex things going on in the person's life.
After Life

7.6 1998

Deals with the themes of death and morality Also deals with the question of existence and the remnants that follow after death
Helping people deal with their troubles. Characters bound by tragedy, and ultimately coming to work together as a result. Found family aspect.
Both movie involve clean after death. Just different approach. Both involve young cleaners. Kind hearted cleaners.
Both male lead were boxer. Tough sport. Lots of money involve. Enduring physical pain. Ring fight. Fight for the love one, for family.
Los dramas muestran una perspectiva similar en cuanto a la muerte y ambos nos muestran como el/la personaje principal va resolviendo misterios, siguiendo pista y haciendo conjeturas para finalmente sacar a luz realidades de gente fallecida, haciéndote reflexionar y entristecer.