Move to Heaven (2021)


- A key trio that works together, featuring a cynical ML that undergoes major character growth - Similar comforting premises of examining a person’s life and final moments

8.8 2021

Both are short and deal with some pretty heavy issues while still keeping a side of humour. Both let people be complex and give the feel of loss. Besides suicide the issues they deal with are however different but they do give out the same vibe.

8.8 2022

~both are centered around death and have a team of main characters with their own stories ~each episode focuses on the people they're trying to save/clean up after ~both were very emotional (one of the few shows that made me cry)
Has similiar episodic format. Both dramas showcase how they pay respect to the dead but in different ways.

8.9 2021

Life lesson. Tear jerker. Makes you think about life, love, and the meaning of everything . It makes you cry but you won’t be the same after both shows.

8.4 2018

In both series, the protagonists do a job that is related to people that have recently died. They are handling their personal belongings each with their own way and sometimes helping the people who are left behind or the individuals that have lost their lives. Also in both series the protagonists have some differences, but they work well together. There are also some similar stories.
If you're like me, waiting continuously for Move to Heaven part 2 or a drama that evokes the same feelings, Daily Dose of Sunshine is a great choice. Each episode has focus on an individual character/story, but they do end up weaving in together. But the humanisation of each character is what makes both of these dramas amazing. Oftentimes we see people/characters and they just seem like regular people? But these dramas really delve into the humanity that each person carries and the stories that even the most basic looking people have. It truly makes you feel for each character there.
it's about healing and death and mystery. more mystery in its okay to not be okay. one of the main characters in both are disabled mentally and need help with things they don't understand.
Dramas have similar premise. A person with a autism who has very high IQ enters into a unique profession.
both touches different perspectives on how people live their lives handmade love focuses on regaining confidence through clothes whereas move to heaven focuses on moving on through keeping sentimental values in a way they look at their clients' lives at a glance and provide their service towards them both are very heartwarming and non-cliche as both deals with real life circumstances the cinematography for both dramas are is also perfect !! just the overall lessons in both dramas are very eye-opening and heartwarming
Similarities · Loss · Grief · Acceptance Both of these shows are sentimental and heartfelt. They teach viewers important lessons about death, life, and love. If you want the same feeling you felt while watching, "Move to Heaven," your best bet is to watch, "Hi Bye, Mama!"
This drama revolves on a family business that cares for people after death as well. It also tell the stories of the those who have left the world and finding out the truth of their last words. It shows how each death is respected and treated and The drama also bring awareness how the business continues to be a much unappreciated business in the Asian society where there is constant discrimination.
My Mister

9.0 2018

if you enjoyed one you definitely like the other! Both will make you cry but leave you feeling refreshed after,

8.1 2021

This drama about uncle and nephew. This drama about uncle and nephew. This drama about uncle and nephew. This drama about uncle and nephew. This drama about uncle and nephew. This drama about uncle and nephew. This drama about uncle and nephew.
Move to heaven has an episode about the Korean war infants that grew up in America, returned to Korea. Most of them couldn’t speak Korea. Some ended with abusive adopted family, some attempted to find the biological parent(s)