My Paparotti (2013)


Both young man have really rough life. They struggled in life but trying hard to persuade their passion and hobby. Both has a male teacher who became their friend, both teacher were divorce. They discovered the young man potential, giving a hand, give the young man a second chance in life
Midnight Sun

7.8 2006

Both main leads has beautiful voice. Struggle with life. Take takes courage and support for them to continue persuade their passion. Music touches hearts
In both movies, it touch the story of young men trying their best to survive. They have potential. They are tough, strong, struggle, sweet, …. Took a soft hearted cough to give them a second chance, to believe in them, to guide them, very touching story

7.9 2021

Both are true story about a young talented man/woman struggle with life. Amazing voice. Heart warming movie
Both main lead was in the gang. Was highly respectable gangster. However, they want to change, they have hard time get out of the gang. They were soft and tough at the same time.
Mr. Socrates

7.4 2005

Both main male lead were raised by mob or gangster After they grown up they were asked to do all the dirty work for the gangster How they resurface, to get clean?
Swing Kids

8.8 2018

Musical, Great, talented, versatile and young actor. Heartwarming. Hard life, hidden genius, strong friendship, mentor,

8.9 2021

Both stories involved a music or art teacher accepted a poor young talented student. The teacher was moved by the young man. He stuck with the training. Both teachers and the young men faces many challenges. Both has heart touching teacher students relationship. Young people as well as the teachers have had their share of hardship. The teachers played important roles to help the young men overcome life challenges and guide them to the road of success.
Involve musical talent. Family love, tough life, music become part of their life. Unforgettable, puppy love, rewind life, turning point, revenge,
City Hunter

8.3 2011

A young kid were trained and raised by a mob. As they grown up they were told to do some dirty work, mission to kill However, they change and they want out, they realized right from wrong
Both young boy raised and trained by mob or gangster They grown up tough and skillful to kill and carry on with mission But they also realized how bad the person who raised them
Both are true story involving a teacher and a trouble student. The students in the movies are talented but life they living in posted many obstacles, challenges. Very inspiration movies

7.4 2008

Both movies are about the young child raised by gangsters. They have to repay the kindness but they want to do right. Admist the two different worlds. Lots of action, revenge, the hate, the future ….
Page Turner

8.2 2016

Both are short stories ....Page turner is short enough it could almost be called a movie & My Paparotti is a movie. The male leads in each of these remind me of each other, mostly based on the fact that each has overcome 1 very large obstacle to achieve their music dream.

8.3 2023

While one is a sports film and the other about opera, they are both about people who are underestimated and never really given a chance until they prove everyone wrong with their determination and talent.