My Paparotti (2013)



8.6 2010

They are beautiful and touching. Also, both of them are about music.

7.9 2011

It's not really similar...but you'll get the same vibe regarding teacher student thing. Probably. Like how a thug turns into someone worthy...
Tough childhood. Severe poverty. Life struggle. Hit bottom. Talented young man. Fight for winning. An agent/teacher that believe in him.
About another gifted singer who makes it big b/c of one person who helped him along ~ both are inspirational and will leave you in awe of their voices <3
Coming from disadvantage family background. Have to overcome all the hardship to achieve the hobby. Take a genuine guidance and coach to bring up a Genius. Beautiful, touching, memorable movieS
The Drummer

7.5 2007

Talent, gangster, gang fight, innocent, support, encouragement, musical talent, persistent, world, coaching, mentor,

7.6 2016

While one is about hockey and one about opera, they hold many similarities. Both young men are working as thugs and through unexpected situations learn the joy of friendship and chasing your dream. They must overcome not only hardships and enemies, but their own pasts and doubt. Inspirational, heartwarming dramas.

7.8 2002

Difficult childhood. Coach guidance, trust, hardship. Music within, talented. Beautiful, sweet, perseverance, Definitely worth watching.
Although My Paparatti was about a singer young man with beautiful vocal cord, and powerful voice, both movies about classical music.
Both young leads in the movie can sing, has unique and talented voice cord They need the guidance and support Both are true story. Beautiful movies. Unfortunate poor childhood background
My Piano

7.5 2006

Both Korean films are about music teacher and genius student relationship. The teacher discovered the student talent, help sent the student abroad. Lots of hardship
Two Tigers

7.5 2019

A criminal crook became an angel. The main lead were struggle with life, starting to build relationship with the other main lead. Story develop nicely. Strong beomance

7.8 2016

Talent, determination, perseverance, guidance, supportive, future, youth, Love, simplicity and complexity, family,
Raised by gangster. Obligation, inner guilt. Poverty, power, struggle, pain, fight, brutality, Love, talent, revenge, duty,