Radiant Office (2017)


Crazy Love

8.2 2022

The female lead is diagnosed with an incurable cancer... Before that she is considerate a loser at her work-field and treated as a doormat. After hearing her diagnosis.. she starts to rebel. The male lead is somebody the female lead admired at first (because of his great ability at work), but later on grow on greatly disappointed at (because of his terrible temper and attitude towards other people).. The female lead starts slowly to change the male lead. Both fall in love.

8.8 2022

Both have the topic of suicide .. as atleast one of the main characters have thought about it, be ause of problems they face in their life. All of the heroes face their thoughts of suicide of a strange way and never speak a medical help for the suicide tendencies.. But both shows deals with..how they try to resolve the problems which drive them to consider the suicide.