Remember: War of the Son (2015)


A boy’s father is falsely accused of a heinous crime and convicted. The enraged boy lives only to avenge his father’s wrongful conviction and harsh sentence. Through his actions, the son brings the truth to light, changing the lives of everyone who crosses his path for better or worse. The personalities and actions of the sons in each series are diametrically opposed as well as the outcomes. One is twisted by his experience and being abandoned by his mother while the other embodies the goodness ingrained in him by his father. The two dramas provide a fascinating look at how two different people can have nearly identical experiences and react to them quite differently.

8.1 2014

both dramas deals with prosecution,attorney, law etc. and how those with power can manipulate the law...but justice prevails
They both talk about a mistaken murder suspect and law. Suspicious Partner is not as serious as Remember and SP is more entertaining but Remember is thrilling and intense to watch, in my opinion.
Both dramas about memory loss and painful past Both dramas about injustice Both dramas are melodramatic sometimes
Both explores injustice and the exploits of a corrupt system from an old case. Both very solid crime/ legal dramas

8.3 2016

I haven't started Memory yet but based on the description is sounds very similar too remember, both have main leads who suffer from Alzheimer and try to fight for their cases

8.1 2018

Both dramas have a male lead with a strong memory Both about lawyers Both are great dramas in my opinion They may or may not be more similarities , its been a while since I've watched remember war of the son and I have just started re watching suits.

8.1 2022

Similar to the protagonist in this movie, the protagonist in the drama tries to take revenge before completely losing his memories.
Both dramas are mainly about revenge, both have the same male lead - Yoo Seung Ho as student (but in Remember he'll become a lawyer) and in both dramas he has tragic past.
Well there's a lot other similarities that I don't notice, but here are what I did notice: - revenge - justice for injustice done - a nobody against a big corrupted company
The Law Cafe

8.0 2022

Dramas about crime, law and thrillers usually centre on a prosecutor or lawyer dealing with numerous criminal situations and injustice committed by those who abuse the legal system. Each of them also features a tragic tale centred on the main character.
Both dramas' plots are of revenge against another for the sake of his family. Both main characters are in the field of law practices. Throughout the dramas we get to experience their pain and how they have became strong to fight against those who are in power. The main characters' stories are both very tragic, very well written plots.

8.4 2017

Both show how corrupt the government can be. Both have some crappy Prosecutors who only think of themselves. In Remember - War of the Son it deals with Alzheimer's and in Duel one of the characters has memory loss.
They are both Amazing Revenge drama, (Remember) is more melodramatic and sad story than (I Hear Your Voice) . The both are oriented about law and wrongful murder case, with memory loss in them . They both feature awesome Villain . Both are good Drama worth watching
both are similar in a way that it deal with political corruption and revolve around lawyers, court etc. acting from both dramas are superb, especially by those villains. love both male & female leads!