Remember: War of the Son (2015)


Bothe Male leads have hyperthymesia , the ability to remember an abnormally vast amount of their life experiences in vivid detail.

8.9 2021

Both have male leads who want to fight for their family and the people they love. Both are thriller genre. And crazy villains who really show that powerful people can get away with anything.

8.9 2021

honestly, the kind of batsh*t craziness of the lead villain in this drama reminds me of Nam Goong Min's character in Remember: War of the Son, LOL. they are the overzealous, totally over-the-top type. they'll probably go down in a similar way too, LMAO.

8.7 2017

almost similair story Seo Jin Woo has the condition of hyperthymesia, which allows him to remember almost every day in perfect detail. To prove the innocence of his father, Jin Woo becomes a lawyer. He struggles to prove his father's innocence, but he begins to lose his memory due to Alzheimer’s.
Both fathers of the main lead was sentenced to prison for the crime that they did not do and being threatened to admit to the charges with the safety of their child. They are both not able to defend well for themselves due to one having Alzheimer's Disease and the other being intellectually disabled.

8.2 2019

Both the young male leads are people who entered into their respective professions to seek the truth about the persecution of their father. Remember has a more melodramatic undertone in it, while WATCHER is more investigative and ties up the team's finding into a larger conspiracy organization that corrupts the police force.
Mrs. Cop

7.9 2015

1. Both dramas deal with crime and investigation 2. In both exist corrupt officials who are willing to do anything for money, position/power 3. Villains in both dramas develop twisted personalities bec of how they were raised by their father Personally, I enjoyed both of these dramas, they both kept me interested and both have amazing casts in which you'll love the protagonist and really hate the villains to their bones!
1. Both the main character have photographic memory. 2. they're both related to crimes. 3. both are a good story. 4. Both the main lead continued and were extremely determined is because their loved ones were victims of crimes. remeber (father, unlawfully sentenced/ TMWYS, killed.). 5. Both are action thriller.
The stories both revolve around fighting for justice There is Amnesia in Both similarly, the background stories are really elaborate and keep you entertained

8.8 2014

The plot is mainly about revenge , but in Healer the revenge part is developed within the episodes and not from the beggining. It gives the same vibe and the lead female is the same in both dramas.
Glory Jane

6.9 2011

The stories are the same in so many ways. Both are about CEOs and their dirty plots. Leads suffer from Amnesia.

8.3 2019

Almost an exact match, even with the rating. In both dramas, the main character has some sort of illness, both MCs also have a father wrongfully accused of murder and put on a death row, and both of them become lawyers to get the truth out and both fight corruption.
these 2 dramas have some similarities. the villain is a spoiled chaebol's son who's the president of a big company. they have issues with anger management and no matter how much evidence the cops have against them, they come clear due to their connections.

8.0 2020

!!! have kept spoilers as minimal as possible!!! Though one is a movie (Innocence) and one is a Series (Remember: War of the Son) we can see many similarities with the two: • Both leads are trying to prove the innocence of their parents • Parents of Both Main Leads have a mental illness (Alzheimers for War of the son; Dementia for Innocence • There is no true 'Happy Ending' with both these films. • May have been brought up by different circumstances: In Remember Jin Woo (Yoo Seung hoo) became a lawyer after his Father's accusation, whilst in Innocence Jung In (Shin Hye Sun) brought upon herself to study law, before her Mother was accused. both were brilliant with their scenes, were strong and determined to bring justice. But what happens in both films is they both have a plot twist, that changes the course of story along the way. Both have stunning line up of casts, no major plot holes, kudos to the Leads of Both Films Shin Hye Sun (Innocence) and Yoo Seung Hoo (Remember). i personally would love to see these to pair up in a drama one day.
In both dramas a son is fighting to bring justice to his family...on remember a son wants to proove his dad's innocence and in lawless lawyer a son wants to take revenge on people who killed his mum . We can say both the dramas are about revenge.