Phoenix Lands in the World (2024)


- FL is in a position of power while ML is her subordinate (and concubine) - Strong FL x Strong ML - Conspiracy trying to get rid of FL - ML is a double agent - Gender Role Reversal (done better in ZGZZS) - FL has a close friendship/alliance with SML (in ZGZZS he has a crush on her while in PLitW he does not)
- FL is a leader (in PLinW she's a sect leader while in MMMQ she's a queen/empress) - FL is in a position of power while ML is her subordinate (in PLinW he's her concubine while in MMMQ he's her general and consort) - Conspiracy trying to get rid of FL - Gender Role Reversal - Queen FL x Consort ML - Sweet, mischievous, and bubbly FL pretending to be cruel - FL has a close friendship/alliance with SML - SML & SFL have a similar relationship (F!dom x M!sub vibes)
- FL is an author that transmigrates into her story and becomes the antagonist - FL goes from being the cold and aloof character to being sweet and caring - ML approaches FL in order to steal something from her - ML is from a rival kingdom (TRoTaR)/sect (in PLinW) - Gender Role Reversal.= - FL is in a position of power while ML is not (in PLinW he's a concubine while in WutF he's her consort). - Both have comedy (TRoTaR is more comedy focused) - The story taking places within a story actually plays an important part in the plot.
This is a similar story: - Femal Lead is writer. - She got lost in the world of her novel. - She mets Male Lead in the world of her novel. Same vibe.
Both are mini dramas in which the ML has a secret identity/connection to a rival sect. Both FLs are thought of as devils involved with many men, and the MLs are brought as their concubines.