The Judge from Hell (2024)


In both dramas main character is judge who doesn't sympathize with the criminals and they give them hardest punishment.
It´s the same principe, where the female lead did something bad, but in this one she needs to help a specific amount of people in a specific time. It´s not really brutal, but still gives you a similar feeling watching.
Both female leads punish criminals in brutal ways. Both female leads are cold-hearted.
In both dramas judges sentence criminals to experience their own crimes in the role of their victims. Only difference is that Judge from Hell is having supernatural elements while Drama Stage: The Fair is based on a new technology making this possible.
Both dramas are about a set of people that have to fulfil a specific amount of demands in order to be spoken free of their sentence. In both dramas this group of people is either gods or grim reapers that are following/guiding through the judgement of people that have sinned. Both are supernatural stories dealing around death, the after life, hell/heaven, sins and forgiveness.
In both dramas there is a very uncontroversial female judge that is bras, outspoken and following her own rule of justice. While Judge of Hell is also focusing on a supernatural aspect ,that Miss Hammurabi is not, they are still quite similar in terms of theme, characters and feeling.
Why Her?

8.1 2022

Cold Female Lead. Judging from the synopsis, the FL is a cold character, and I think she's very similar to Oh Soo Jae. If there's one thing that link "The Judge From Hell" and Why Her?", it's the cold character of the FL.
They’re basically twins, I mean if you like one you’d like the other Same “evil” fl who seeks justice in an “evil” way of making the criminals see their wrongdoings