The Secret of Us (2024)


Both are fruity dramas, although Ayaka-chan wa Hiroko-senpai ni Koishiteru is a japanese GL (aka yuri). - ACWHSNK has a more comedic vibe - TSOU is more a dramatic love story

7.8 2024

Both have mature romance genre, both are lesbian series about two women. One is trying to chase other after hurting other by getting her love and forgive. ????????……………………………………………
Both have Lesbian romance. Gl. Angst/drama. Cold/ice Princess type love interest that comes from a wealthy family.


Both have Lesbian romance. Both are gl. Both have a cold/ice Princess type love interest that comes from a wealthy family. Both have angst/drama.
Both have Lesbian romance. Both are gl. Both have a love interest that comes from a wealthy family or in the case of the loyal pin, a royal Family, while the other comes from a slightly lower position or class. Both have family that are trying to stop the couple from being together.
Both have Lesbian romance. Both are gl. Both have several queer characters besides the main couple. The secret of us is a gl that has a very strong kdrama vibe to the way it was shot and acted that will appeal to fans of kdrama.
Another GL Thai Drama. The plot is completely different, but if you're looking for some fruity angst/vibes this is a go to.

7.6 2022

Another GL Thai drama to add to your fruity watchlist. - Rich and successful FLs - Fruity angst - GL romance drama
Both have Lesbian romance. Both are in the gl genre and based on a gl novel. Both have a main character that is a doctor.