Officer Black Belt (2024)


Both movies are related to police cases and chasing perpetrators. Both movies involve kidnapping and multiple victims. In Officer Black Belt, ML is hired as an officer. In Midnight Runners, the 2 MLs are rookie cops. MLs have a high sense of justice and responsibility towards the victims. MLs decide to take matters in their own hands. Both movies are action comedies. If you watch one, it will certainly make you reminiscent of the other.
Full-on adrenaline rush. Non-stop action, good (or maybe not so good) guys against bad (definitely bad) guys. Both really entertaining.
Follows quite similar storyline with a fl. I watched this recently and found it quite interesting. This includes themes of bullying and su*cide so please watch at your own risk...

8.6 2023

It’s made by the same writer/director and the plots are really similar, young naive happy guy, faces evilness of the world, fights against injustice and has bromance