My Heavenly City (2023)


Both movies touch on the subject of racial color discrimination. It is really hard for the mixed race kids to fit in the society. It wasn’t their fault. Both movies shown they fight their way to stand on their feet and survive the bully
Fairy Dance

8.0 2021

Both movie has the same theme, the lead interested In the street dance. The explore the freelance dance in foreign land despite parents against the idea. She found joy and relaxing in free street dance
Both are filed abroad. Topic about struggle to live and survive in foreign country. Fall in love in foreign country, what happen when one have to leave the country? Is fate and destiny played big part in our life? Will distance break love and relationship apart?
Both Chinese movies protrait immigrants struggle to live, to survive and find happiness in foreign land. One is in modern era, the other one is old time pianeer period. Only immigrant can understand how they feel
Both Chinese movies touch on topic of how hard they work hard to survive, to hold the job, to live, to keep their family together. To me, they were very touching story, not perfect, but delivered the message
Dear Lena

7.3 2016

Fall in love in foreign land. One filmed in city, the other one filed in the country. Cultural adaptation. Adjusted and live in thd new environment. Feeling of loneliness. Important of friendship.
Both movies showed how immigrant struggle in foreign land. They worked very hard, they fzce bully, discrimination, language barrier, bilingual, yet they are strong people. Strong family and friends close tight.