You're Light Years Away (2022)


Both are short (short length drama vs. short film) and are about the relationship between a cat/human shapeshifter and the human who was kind to them.
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
Taste of Cat

7.5 2018

Both are mini dramas about cats in human form who help humans, ...........................................................
This Summer

7.0 2015

Both are about the relationship between one of the leads who is human, and the other lead who is a cat/human shapeshifter who begins living with the human.
Make a Wish

8.1 2021

FL vs. ML are from "Meow Planet" and are shapeshifting human/cats who occasionally appear as a human with cat ears. Both owe a debt to the human who saved them and remain on earth to pay back that debt, but are very protective of and fall in with the human.
ML is a shapeshifting cat/human who ends up living with the lonely human FL who once saved him. There are many identical scenes (him reaching out in human form from under the bed to get clothing to put on, him cuddling in cat form then shifting to human while they're in bed together, etc.).
Both are short length dramas with a human/cat living with a human. .............................................
Meow Ears Up

6.9 2022

ML is a cat/human who appears as a human with cat ears, and ends up sharing a home with a lonely, isolated human who once saved him.
Be My Cat

7.8 2021

Both are cute dramas with a cat/human shapeshifting ML from another planet and a human FL who he loves.
FL vs. ML is from another world and is a shapeshifting human/cat. ................................................
FL vs. ML is a shapeshifting human/cat living with a human who they fall in love with. ............................................................................

7.6 2021

In both, MLs are shapeshifting cat/humans who were saved in cat form by the human FL and then meet her again, having falling in love with her.
Both are about the relationship between a human and a shapeshifter animal/human (cat vs. dog) who end up living together. Both have a supporting character (SML vs. SFL) who is also a shapeshifter and accompanies the ML (as a sibling or friend).