Physical: 100 (2023)


Essentially the same show, just set in China. The format and challenges are different, but at heart it’s the same show.
Society Game

7.6 2016

Physical games are also in society game though it incorporates mental games, still the same concept of survival games.
Physical games are also in society game though it incorporates mental games, still the same concept of survival games.
The same concept of survival game facing difficult obstacles and that uses the physical strength is also seen. The difference is that the wedding war is done with couples.
Same concept Bringing people in the same field to compete to see who is the best Instead of competing to see who is the best influencer, you compete to see who has the best physique based on a number of challenges Whoever wins, gets the grand cash prize
Both shows are of the same genre - Survival Show and Competition. Iron Squad contestants are fit and determined military reservists. Physical 100 contestants also include military reservists.
The Soldiers

8.1 2021

Both: - participants compete in games that will tests physical fitness and also strategies to win the missions Differences - In soldiers the cast are just male soldiers. In physical, we got female participants as well. And it is not only limited to soldiers, the show got athletes, body builders and other people who think they have the ‘physical shape’ compete to win the cash prize. - Physical is an individual competition. Meanwhile, Soldiers is more of a group competition, although it also had missions that were individualistic too.
It's the same thing, except one is about physical strength and the other about cooking. In both shows 100 contestants compete to become the best in Korea.
Squid Game

8.4 2021

The style of how games are set up are quite similar. Squid game has some more mental challenges compared to physical 100 which as the title suggests is based on the physical strength of contestants. However, individual and team work are involved in both shows.