The story follows Lee Tang, an ordinary college student, who gets into an argument with a customer during a part-time job at a convenience store at night, unconsciously swings a hammer, and kills him. Suffering from guilt and fear of murder, Lee Tang learns one day that the person he killed was a serial killer and slowly realizes that he has a supernatural ability to identify "bad seeds". He soon becomes a dark hero who punishes people who committed unethical evils in the past. A cold-blooded, charismatic and persistent detective starts to chase Lee Tang. (Source: ~~ Adapted from the webtoon "Sarinjaonangam" (살인자ㅇ난감).
- Country:South Korea
- Episodes: 8
- Aired: Feb 9, 2024
- Brodcast: Friday
- Duration: 54 min.
- Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)
- Score: 7.8/10(by 17,336 users)
- Ranked: #3208
- Popularity: #416
- Watchers: 37.1K
- Screenwriter: Kim Da Min
- Director: Lee Chang Hee
- Networks: Netflix
- Genres: Thriller ; Mystery ; Psychological ; Comedy
- Tags: Black Comedy ;Sexual Content ;Morally Ambiguous Male Lead ;Detective Male Lead ;Dark Fiction ;Adapted From A Webtoon ;Dog ;Violence ;Investigation ;Picaresque