Love Class (2022)


They kinda have similar vibe. Also 2 men + 1 girl complex love story maybe.. and even though there're some negatif comments, both show are worth watching Kbls

8.0 2022

They're both about character growth. In both series, the MCs have to work together due to a school project and start to develop feelings because of it. While the overall story isn't the same, there are similar themes and feel to it. I personally enjoyed Blueming very, very much (more than Love Class, though I also liked Love Class). If you want characters acting out in a very realistic manner, but also watching love bloom between them, give Blueming a try.
Both are BLs in which the ML has a crush on a fellow female student, but due to events in class he ends up getting paired up or accidentally involved with the other ML who is a quiet and kind person. Slowly the ML realizes his crush is shifting from the female student to the other ML.
They have similar lengths and content. I think they were also made by the same company but I'm not sure. They are both BLs with romance and college life storylines.
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
They have same plotline 1) There's a love class 2) queer couple and yes, they have to match with each other + both of them is korean mini series
Cha Ji Woo es estudiante de segundo año de Comunicación de Masas y Periodismo. Es de baja estatura y de carácter muy gentil. También está enamorado de Bae Yu Na, una de sus compañeras de clase. Sin embargo, está siendo acosada por un individuo misterioso y, como resultado, tiene miedo de todos los hombres, excepto del bondadoso y no amenazante Ji Woo. El problema es que ella realmente no lo ve como un hombre, y esto no ayuda a la causa de Ji Woo, aunque él no se detendrá ante nada para protegerla. Pero un día, una clase universitaria requiere que todos los estudiantes se formen “parejas” para completar un proyecto sobre el amor. Todo el mundo forma “parejas” heterosexuales. Sin embargo, Yu Na y una compañera de clase que está enamorada de su profesor deciden formar una “pareja” del mismo sexo.
Dating Class

7.8 2019

They have literally similar plotline 1) There's a love class 2) Bl couple 3) Sadly, a woman who is afraid of men because of harassment 4) Different types of couples, relationships 5) There's not just focusing main couple,, side characters are also vulnerable
They are korean bls with similar atmosphere, they both are short but definitely not simple. With slow-burn and not fast storytelling, they are thought in similar way also + they both worthwatching shows
First of all, one of the male leads in both shows is played by same actor. Both show has similar aura, romance is not quirky way but slow burn and yearning + both are korean bls