Tin Tem Jai (2023)



7.0 2020

Both of these BL dramas are largely plotless and rather chaotic, featuring a large cast with relatively indecipherable relationships/dynamics to each other.
My Only 12%

8.0 2022

The relationship between Pak & Tin are similar to Cake & Seeiw, Pak and Tin live together, where as Eiw and Cake don't but they sleep together often. Also Tin's personality is the same as Seeiw's, Pak and Cake are similar in the way they take care of there boys The also have the best friend to lover troupe and they each have a good set of friends.
Remember Me

7.2 2022

Both dramas revolve around close childhood friendships, there are parallel in terms of retro village type warm neighborhood setting and one sided feelings , depicted in a pure innocent way.
Tin Tem Jai Special Continues the Story of Tin and Park along with the other Couples , Its the Sequel to Tin Tem Jai
Both of these Thai BLs feature a similar atmosphere, with the primary couple being a pair of long acquainted friends who now live together.