Ji Hyun, a new student from a peaceful rural town, struggles to adjust to the bustling city life of Seoul. While at university, he meets Jae Won, who has just completed military service. As they share a love of surfing, they begin to develop feelings for each other. During a surfing trip, they share a kiss, but Jae Won acts as if nothing happened, leaving Ji Hyun confused about their connection. (Source: CK Warrior at MyDramaList)
- Country:South Korea
- Episodes: 10
- Aired: Mar 29, 2023 - Apr 26, 2023
- Brodcast: Wednesday
- Duration: 36 min.
- Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older
- Score: 8.0/10(by 23,951 users)
- Ranked: #2187
- Popularity: #391
- Watchers: 38.8K
- Screenwriter:
- Director: Werner du Plessis
- Genres: Romance ; Drama ; Melodrama
- Tags: Gay Romance ;LGBTQ+ ;Young Adult Male Lead ;Gay Male Lead ;Bisexual Male Lead ;University ;Trauma ;Surfing ;Student Male Lead ;Senior-Junior Relationship