My Perfect Stranger (2023)


They're both 2023 dramas that feature leads who travel back in time from 2023, and get involved in the lives of their younger parents or relatives.
Park Sun Woo works as an anchorman at a TV broadcasting station. He is in love with news reporters Joo Min Young, who is bright and honest. Park Sun Woo then obtains 9 incense items, which allows him to go back 20 years in time. Sun Woo travels to the past in an attempt to keep his family safe in order to change the world he lives in today. However, this is not without consequences for his actions in the past affects the lives of many in the present, including his crush.
The two dramas are about time travel the two dramas involve the complicated family relationship and love story
In both, the FLs have complicated, troublesome relationships with their mothers. Somehow they both accidentally go back in time to when their mothers are teenagers in high school. They befriend them and try to prevent their mom from falling in love with their dad.
Both MPS and ATCY are Korean dramas with romance, time travel, and mystery. Both attempt to alter the past. Both use a “device” to travel to the past. In ATCY, it’s a mixtape and in MPS, it’s a car. However, in MPS, the characters travel as their current selves, and in ATCY, the characters travel into an alternative version of themselves in the past. Overall, ACY is much more convoluted.
So as you guys know that atypical family is a very distinguished story than others but I will suggest you to watch my perfect stranger because the story line is not obviously same but they can travel in past and the connection between main lead and female lead is awesome the stories also very great it is about a serial killer so you guy should give it a watch I think if you like attypical family you might like my perfect stranger also
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
Life on Mars

8.7 2018

The male lead (police) in Life on Mars also gets transported back to the past (1988) to solve a serial murder case.
Lots of similar tropes and plot points. Both dramas have an adult attending high school, both dramas include an engaging mystery, and more, just very lazy to name them all.

8.1 2021

- Both is a crime-solving drama - Both genre is mystery - Both drama about finding a culprit of past case - Both drama does not make it easy for you to guess the culprit Differences - In My Perfect Stranger, mc goes back in past to find the culprit - In Chimera, mc stays in present but looking for culprit of the past case
They are honestly quite different, MMS doesn't have any major crimes in it, but MPS revolves around a crime But the lead couple in both the dramas give off similar vibes. Both dramas are quite gentle paced and yet thrilling at the same time. They both, in different ways, somehow manipulate time and in some sense travel through it They're both Sci-Fi Anyway, they're quite different but the lead couple and the whole drama give off similar vibes, sweet and cute couple but also a thrilling story
What If

7.3 2024

Synopsis The drama tells the story of how an ordinary girl Xia Guo chooses when faced with two different choices, and what happens. The drama is presented in parallel time and space. The different choices of the heroine will lead to different endings.There are the challenges and dilemmas of the big city; but on the other hand, there is the stability and triviality of the small town. In life it is always necessary to make concessions, without fear of loss, and moving forward to embrace that sense of the "extraordinary." If life could have other versions, and the "if" could be experienced, what would it look like? The drama realizes this "if" so that the heroine experiences two lives in parallel. How she will handle those choices is the big question. "I live elsewhere" (from original title in chinese). Source: DramaWiki
In both dramas there are people (one of the leads or both) who know about unfortunate future incidents. Now they need to think about their actions to change their future. MY PERFECT STRANGER happens in the past time. TOMORROW WITH YOU happens during the present timw
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
18 Again

8.6 2020

The main genre of these two dramas are a bit different because MPS has a murder mystery going on but these two have the ff in common: - both made the main character see their family beyond as their role in their family so this can make you appreciate your family members better - interactions between daughter(and or) son and the father in their teens (well in18 again, just physically)