This tells the story of two young lion dancers who grew up together, however, as time passes, due to changes in the Luo family, and the He family emigrating, they have never met since. Many years later Luo Xing Xing came to Singapore as part of a university exchange program. Here, he happened to meet with He Yang Guang, who took the opportunity to return to China to look for Luo Xing Xing. (Source: iQiyi)
- Country:China
- Episodes: 18
- Aired: Jan 16, 2023
- Brodcast: Monday
- Duration: 30 min.
- Rating: Not Yet Rated
- Score: 7.5/10(by 192 users)
- Ranked: #6213
- Popularity: #7672
- Watchers: 1.3K
- Screenwriter:
- Director:
- Networks: iQiyi
- Genres: Youth
- Tags: Bromance ;Friendship