Born to Fly (2023)


The Captain

8.2 2019

While both movies are flight-related based on real stories, The Captain took place on the commercial airplane and Born to Fly was aircraft-related. The captain mainly showcased their only one scenario and the quick-wittedness of the pilot. Yet, Born to fly showed a span of time of the main lead progressing from being arrogant due to self-confidence to being mature especially in the face of death. Both movies showed how the pilots dealt with unexpected natural disaster while thousands of feet upon the ground.
Dream Flight

7.2 2014

Both of them have a military themed and a movie. Their dedication for the country are really touching. The difference are Born to Fly had less romance than Dream Flight and it focused on a China's aircraft test. Both of them also tell about Air Force Pilot story and their pov.


Both of them is based on Aviation Industry their training their struggle and Their journey One is pilot based Movie and the other is Pilot based drama.