In the world of hypnotism, Lu Feng Ping is renowned as one of the best. When a series of crimes, seemingly carried out under hypnosis, shakes the city, the police turn to him for help. Officer Luo Fei, assigned to the case, is skeptical of Feng Ping but reluctantly teams up with him. Despite their mistrust, they uncover a link to a decade-old unsolved case. As they dig deeper, they uncover a mysterious organization with dark connections, pushing them closer to solving both their past and present cases. (Source: MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the novel "Xie E Cui Mian Shi" (邪恶催眠师) by Zhou Hao Hui (周浩晖).
- Country:China
- Episodes: 24
- Aired: Apr 23, 2023 - May 15, 2023
- Brodcast: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday
- Duration: 45 min.
- Rating: G - All Ages
- Score: 7.9/10(by 1,049 users)
- Ranked: #2917
- Popularity: #3659
- Watchers: 4.2K
- Screenwriter: Sun Hao Yang
- Director: Wang Tao Tao
- Networks: Mango TV
- Genres: Thriller ; Mystery ; Psychological ; Crime
- Tags: Psychological Manipulation ;Hypnosis ;Investigation ;Cold Case ;Suspense ;Gaslighting ;Web Series ;Adapted From A Novel ;Detective Male Lead ;Friendship