Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022)


Good Doctor

8.3 2013

Dramas have similar premise. A person with a special syndrome who has very high IQ enters into the professional world. The special doctor/lawyer also seems to have more compassion/humanity for people than those around him/her who care more for worldly honor than an individual's dignity/personal choices (the last sentence is quite hard to explain but the people who watched both shows will understand what I mean). There are other similarities aside from the basic plot/story. Both shows got a lot of praises while airing, raising the profile of their respective actors who played the autistic character more. Good Doctor received a lot of awards and there's a large probability Extraordinary Attorney Woo might receive many awards too. The US also decided to have a remake of both shows.
Extraordinary Attorney woo and It's okay to not be okay both have an Autistic character and the actors did a good job in portraying Autism.
Dramas have similar premise. A person with a autism who has very high IQ enters into a unique profession.

7.9 2021

These dramas are different stories but in both main female lead is a lawyer. In 'Undercover' FL is a mother of a son with autism and although it's more a side story, Yoo Sun Ho definitely nailed his role. Also in both series ML will do everything to protect FL.

6.6 2005

Attorneys Confident fls Law Thrilling Suspense Drama Melodrama Engaging Intense Workplace romance
The plots aren’t similar…but both dramas has a smart lead that has a certain disability that society often perceive as incapable of emotional involvement especially in a romantic way. In both shows the thought of ‘maybe it is’ & ‘maybe its not’ did pop in my head with their relationship but it certainly didn’t stop me from hoping & cheering for it. Both are also excellent dramas in their own right & highly worth the watch.
Ocean Heaven

7.8 2010

Single father raising an Autism child. As the child grow older, the father remain worrying about the son/daughter capability of self-care and social acceptance. Very sweet yet reality heartwarming movie
'It's okay, that's love' deals with mental health even though there is no autistic person. ML has mental health issues and FL will do everything to help him because she loves him very much.
Door to Door

8.1 2009

When an autism child grown up enter the society and holding a career. They faces certain discrimination, challenging, and social injustice. The single parent unconditioning support is utterly vital. Very good show. Door to Door Japanese movie is a true story
Strong Female Leads in the Court Room! • Both dramas feature a female character with a main role in the judicial system on a mission to affect change, while doing the absolute best job that they can! • Both dramas also feature a timid male character that falls for our female lead, while also supporting her endeavors and making changes in their own outlook on life. • Both dramas present playful, yet serious and occasionally heart-wrenching cases that are pure tear-jerkers

7.8 1999

Both has an autism kid that grown up. Moment of challenging, awkward, lots of funny and interesting moment as well. A single father raising an autism kid. They always worried about the child future. Teaching them routine, social, self-care as well as orchestra people surrounding the child. Shower is an older Chinese movie that did right. All father worry about their autism child, teaches the son the surviving skill, lots of love and encouraging their independent as well
They both have "different" characters as the main theme. In this case, Woo Young Woo is an attorney with ASD (autism spectrum disorder). I think that both in this drama and the one I'm recommending the peculiarities of their conditions are well represented. I also feel like the storytelling is refreshing and different from the other shows^^
Good Doctor

8.3 2018

Remake of Korean drama Good Docter, This drama is similar to Extraordinary woo, about an autsim become a doctor

8.0 2008

the common thing is both have autistic fls. the movies plot is very different though the action scenes are really intense nd real no doubles were used while filming them its a bit mature type film not for everyone people who like martial arts nd stuff will love it
Both has a very strong female attorney. They stood up for justice, not blindly on the client side. They work hard, has compassion and has a good team around her