AI Romantic (2021)


Both feature the AI theme. In both dramas the main leads are robots, just that the gender is different. Both are about interspecies romance. Just that "Are You Human Too" might be a little more dramatic than "AI Romantic". ~
The Republic

6.4 2019

Both were produced by the same producer. Al Romantic deepens the discussion about artificial intelligence already raised in The Republic.
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide

7.5 2010

I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
Well, both have the AI theme. About robots and romance. Just that in "I'm not a robot" FL is pretending to be one (replaces the actual robot) while in "AI Romantic" the FL is the actual robot. :) Both are funny and slightly fluffy. ~