Our Beloved Summer (2021)


Our Memories

7.6 2024

if you Check the other poster it’s the remake The two protagonists grew up together and we follow them over several years
In Both dramas: 1. ML and FL were couples in the past but broke up. 2. They work together later on ( ML as an artist and FL as kind of an organizer). 3. They have a love-hate relationship.
both dramas show us how a perfect love tends to be imperfect. it's about how hard sharing your life and emotions with somebody is. these are beautiful love stories without romanticization, so we can reflect on what true love is. it's wonderful to see all these epic unrealistic love stories (especially for us, the romantics), but it's also very nice to see a real-life romance and learn how to notice the big acts of love out of the epic fiction standard. truly loving someone in a realistic way is the most epic act of love that we could ever see ;)
- both couples shoot a reality show - ml and fl hate eachother in the start - love grows between them If you enjoyed so i married an antifan you'll definitely like our beloved summer
Past lovers Opposite personalities but still love each others Breaks up Silent of life In OBS they film a documentary whereas in TTC they don't Just by reading the plot you will akready see the similarities in each drama

7.8 2020

Same bickering couple from high school to adulthood but with a different outcome! Both are charming, funny, cute and sweet!
longtime friends Tom and Jerry with studious student girl and bad student boy. they see each other again when they are adults But their relationship is complicated
i do not know why but both of these are similar in the way the both fill my heart. Plot wise there is almost no similarities but both these drama are both produced in a way that touch my heart which most dramas cannot. If you liked soundtrack im sure you will love our beloved summer
Both have: - feelings of intimacy - focus on how relationship develops and works - emotional maturity - playfulness - met in school
Both have post-breakup interview format. The male and female lead explain their sides of the story.
In both dramas main leads were friends in their childhood and meet again as adults when female lead is struggling in life.
Run On

8.2 2020

They both have the same vibe and are more character focused.They also have the realistic portrayal of characters with a well written storyline
FL broke up with ML and went on suffering on her own before meeting again. ML was kept in the dark about the breakup and was heartbroken for years, resulting in his resentment towards FL. Both dramas begin with their lives several years after the breakup.
Both dramas feel similar, in concept, the way they were shot and produced (documentary-like). The Producers tried to focus more on the "the behind the scenes" aspect of producing a tv-show, while Our Beloved Summer focused more on how to film a documentary about random people, and of course mainly the romantic relationship between the leads (which is way more interesting in OBS) In both dramas there's an idol whose sole purpose is the same (even though they have opposite tempers), to show us some hardships of an idol life : no friends, no real free time, dealing with fans and anti-fans, no privacy... AND to have their first impossible and one-sided crush on the ML ! If you liked The Producers, you'll probably enjoy Our Beloved Summer, I don't know about the other way around
They used to be in a relationship but separated. For a long time they meet again. I think they both have good comedy. Of course, in this series, the girl's failure in life is portrayed more.