My Husky Boyfriend (2021)


If you are an animal lover, a cat theme might be right up your alley too. Both dramas involve the ML having pet characteristics and a female lead who loves them dearly.
Both dramas have a similar title and vibe. Both MLs were ill and received treatment which left them with non-human abilities or characteristics. Both FLs are quirky and something of a disaster at their jobs, and accidentally learn the ML's secret, which leads from an initial distrust/hostility between the two to a close relationship.
Taste of Cat

7.5 2018

Both are mini dramas with humans who have animal traits/genes. One is a dog and the other cats, but both have a similar fun tone.
Both are mini dramas with a human FL and a ML who has dog genes/characteristics. Both FLs have something of an unlucky life before they meet the ML.