Youths in the Breeze (2020)



8.5 2016

Both dramas have crossworlds travel between the world of an action novel/manga with a suffering protagonist fated to be killed, and the real world of the writer.
Both dramas have crossworlds travel between the world of an action novel/manga with a suffering protagonist fated to be killed, and the real world of the writer.
Beside You

6.0 2024

Both are BLs that have a relationship between a human and a cat shifter. ...................................................
Mr. Heart

7.7 2020

The 3rd story of YitB is very similar to Mr Heart since they both: - Revolve around the sport of running/marathoning - Have a serious character and a more mischievous character - Are short, light watches with no serious complications - Have a similar dynamic between the main characters, with the exception that Youths in the Breeze is a bromance while Mr Heart is a BL
This Summer

7.0 2015

Both are censored Chinese BLs that have a relationship between a human and a cat shifter. ................................................................
The 1st story of YitB is similar to MtSB as they both revolve around a main character that is a cat who is able to transform into a very handsome, cute human male. In Youths in the Breeze, the cat-dude has a cute relationship with his female owner, but she never sees him in his human form, leaving their relationship at just a pet-owner level. He instead shows his human and cat form to her younger brother, with whom he develops a close friendship/bromance with. In Meow, the Secret Boy, the cat-dude develops a romantic relationship with his owner, who doesn't know that the dude is also her cat. He also develops a friendship with the 2nd lead, who is suspicious of his identity.
Both are censored Chinese BLs that have a relationship between a human and a cat shifter. ................................................................
- both drama has some similar vibes, cute and can make your heart flutter. But The best friend is more emotional. - the censorship in both drama didn't look like censored, and instead seems romantic If u are looking for Chinese bromance that doesn't look like a bromance then you can watch Youths in the Breeze. <3
Precise Shot

7.6 2020

Both Precise Shot and Youths in the Breeze have cute bromances between the leads, both of the dramas also undergo various deep emotions while the leads fall for each other in a very beautiful way.