Irresistible (2021)


Endless Love

7.6 2019

It has a similar angst feel. The MLpretends not to love the FL due to something her family member did to his. He also pretends to love someone else, but really truly loves FL. It's also the same actor Lee in both.
Romance between the 2 main characters is torn apart by a killing of a family member of one and the accusation of that murder from the other.
it have the same story and also their names but I think irresistible just a recreate one.
Peek Hong

6.8 2020

Both these dramas are centered on a male lead wanting to avenge his sister's death. While in Irrestible the main couple started by being in a relationship, in Peek Hong the male lead approches the female lead with a purpose.
Both these dramas are centered on a male lead wanting to avenge his sister's death. Also in these dramas, the male lead tortures the heroine for her brother's wrongdoing. While in Irrestible the main couple started by being in a relationship, in Game Payabaht the male lead approches the female lead with a purpose.