Upcoming Summer (2021)


-Both movies are about pure friendship and love -ML meets FL and both become best friends -ML wants to get closer to FL and requests teacher to become her benchmate -They share ups and down and FL fell in love with ML -Sadly ML have more to the story and have painful background story -Both grow up and meet again after 8 to 10 years. -In Upcoming summer and My best summer you may witness beautiful friendships, love, summer vibes.
Similar theme of a high school boy and girl who find comfort in each other and their difficult family situations.
~Both of them are coming-of-age dramas. ~The main leads of both the dramas met in their youth and together face various problems growing up and heal each other. ~Both,2521 and Upcoming summer explore the elements of first love, friendship, rejection, family, and character development. Spoiler:-Both of them showed incredibly beautiful journeys of youth and also showed that not everything lasts forever...
Love Letter

8.2 1995

The plot's different but you'll get the similarity if you've finished watching Upcoming Summer. They both leave you with a nostalgic and bittersweet feeling. First love
Same Very similar vibes focusing on two people Similar ending vibes Diff - On your wedding days ending is very conclusional...ish, like its clear the relationship between the two, but in upcomming summer its more open and hopeful. - on your wedding day soans a long time... upcomming summer just has one flash forward at the end. - In upcoming summer they were more friends but in on your wedding day they were together. - upcoming summer i felt lowkey had twists which was cool...
Coming of age movies about the relationship (mostly platonic, romantic tension, there are feelings) between an academic underachiever/rowdy male lead and a smart female lead who start to be involved with one another through school and also study and spend more time together. Both movies end with a time skip to the present.
• China Drama/Film with stories of First Love! • Both are essentially 'unrequited love' stories • Both feature a school-campus setting
Both of the films represent young peoples lives and what they experience while being in high school. In both movies we can see sad and hurtful things happening to high school kids, for example, in Upcoming summer the girls parents are divorcing and she only finds that out before her exams and that is the reason why she fails them, she also falls inlove with the main caracter boy but he rejects her feeling because he has feeling for a much older girl who doesn't love him at all. In the movie Cry me a sad river the main caracter girl experiences much harsher and overall terrible things like bullying and getting a dangerous disease witch almost brings her to commiting suicide. Both movies are sad and very similar for me in a way that I hardly can explain