Mai Ratima (2013)


Both movie about immigrants in foreign country. How hard they work, their life in foreign land (Japan) not always smooth. Their romance, and love life.
Both movie & drama about immigrants in foreign country. How hard they work, their life in foreign land (Japan) not always smooth. Their romance, and love life.
The movies depict a bleak existence for immigrants looking for a better life in a society that thrives on the unequal, sometimes abhorrent treatment of people, esp those who are 'different' and/or those who fall outside a certain socioeconomic bracket. These are not light movies to watch, but if you're concerned about social (in)justice & are in the mood to see a darker side of South Korean society, beyond the rosiness of dramaland, these are both good places to start.

7.2 2014

The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle
The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle

7.3 2001

Both movies depict the plight of women migrant workers in South Korea. While in Mai Ratima one can see the struggle of the woman from a day to day basis, in Failan one can see the loneliness of the woman through the letters she writes to her Korean husband.
The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle
The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle
The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle
Iron Road

7.3 2009

The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle
Past Lives

8.3 2023

Nora and Hae Sung, two deeply connected childhood friends, are wrest apart after Nora's family emigrates from South Korea. 20 years later, they are reunited for one fateful week as they confront notions of love and destiny.
I Remember

7.6 2020

The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle
The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle
The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle

7.5 2007

The story is about Soo Young, a miserable 30-something-year-old man and Mai Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean dream. Into their relationship comes Young Jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle