Made on the Rooftop (2021)


Own voices gay stories following a couple in which one of them is not out to his family yet. Both have romantic and comedic elements. They share the same director and theres possibly a just friends refrence in made on the rooftop (the male lead says his landlord only likes him so much because he reminds her of her son whos in the military).
Own voices mlm stories with cute romance and comedy bits. Theyre enjoyable and lighthearted and follow adult working men. Theres a couple with an age gap in both too.
Both films follow gay male leads navigating love and friendships. They have romantic and funny moments but theres also tragic elements and drama that partially also arises from one of the characters being in the closet. They share the same director as well.
Half of the Made on the Rooftop is similar to In Between season since one of the characters gets into a car accident and his family does not know that he's gay. In the first movie though the partner continues to hide from the family but in the second they were in the accident together so the truth came out and the whole movie is about the mother dealing with that revelation!