Food Avengers (2020)


Both Shows involve celebrities running a restaurant. In both shows the staff work together to create meal ideas and serve the guest. Has the same kind of feeling.
While these two shows aren't exactly alike, they have the same feeling and wholesome value. In the Boarding house staff work to prepare meals as well as create a space of enjoyment for their guest . Both shows create a calming and comfortable feeling.
Much Like Food Avengers, This show also has celebrities working to create a warm and welcoming environment. Youn's Kitchen 2 offers the extra feel of a vacation as well as fun staff and beautiful visuals.
If you found this show as comforting as I did you will also enjoy Coffee Friends. With surprise celebrities as well as amazing recipes, you can also brush up on your coffee and cafe knowledge.
Similarities: 1. Restaraunt management (even if Unexpected Business' is very small) Differences: 1. Unexpected Business also has a grocery store so it's not just all about cooking and food, but community 2. Food Avengers is heavily centered on food that is zero waste and it is a full-fledged restaurant Both shows are fun to watch.