The Heart of Genius (2022)


Both have similar themes of parallel character shown as “trapped” inside the body when the other character takes over. Both explore an alternative world/time travel. However HOG, the female lead goes to multiple timelines and versions of herself whereas ATCY, the female lead goes back to the same timeline. Also, in HOG, the female lead travels with a male lead and they experience it together. Both also attempt to change the course of events and both have romance although HOG it’s more secondary. HOG it’s also a Chinese drama whereas ATCY is a Korean drama.
Both contain time travel/parallel worlds. The storyline is also similar and give off the same vibe.
While the crux of the plot was purely romance in Someday or One Day, it is the father-daughter relationship in The Heart of Genius, not that there isn't enough romance regardless.
Cross Fire

8.6 2020

both dramas have: - fantasy genre by breaking through the age difference - must complete the mission to return to the original time - deep sense of friendship by the roles - contains the struggle to save anyone dream
In Our Prime

8.1 2022

- Both drama and movie convey how beautiful math and the meaning behind every math formulas - Both leads are a math genius who hiding their identity - Bach. Both drama use Bach's piece

7.8 2024

Both dramas contain the element of time travel into a parallel timeline, where the MC attempts to change the past.

9.0 2022

It’s a sci Fi /mystery series that keeps you on the edge of your seat through every “ reset.” Exceptional cast, well told story.
-Time Travel -Female MC -Both dads give a similar vibe anyways there’s are alot more details but im lazy so give this a try…
The 2 dramas are similar regarding time jumps except in My Perfect Stranger the ML initiated the 1st jumps & coincidentally drags the FL with him eventually. Both wanted to change their present lives but Heart of Genius the lead found out it’s in parallel world while My Perfect Stranger is same timeline & focuses on solving a certain crime in the past to save lives. Both have romance but not overly focused on it. Both are great dramas but My Perfect Stranger I feel is more complex.
concept of both dramas revolved around parallel world/ different timeline, genius male lead, childhood crush and friendship. the leads try to figure out to save their beloved ones from different timeline.
Both dramas are set around a main character who's life falls apart in the present day only for her to travel back in time and fix some of her regrets. She rediscovers the love she had for the career she never chose and finds a new appreciation for someone who was always around so when she returns to the present she's able to use that newfound confidence to fix her problems.
- both male leads are genius - about time travel/parallel world - has a lot of things to do with the past