Kekkon Shinai (2012)


Both of the dramas written by the same screenwriter. And their themes also similiar.Single persons looking for love, discover themselves and gain strength from friendship. If you like one, you might like the another.
There is a similar feel to both dramas. A certain sweetness and romance, that is more mature and sincere than your regular drama.
Both of these dramas are about looking for love but also realizing you just might be ok without it too. Both dramas also ask questions about the nature of relationships/marriage/love, while keeping a focus on the career paths of the female leads. In particular, the friendships between the main female characters are the real focus. If you liked one, you'll really like the other!
Around 40

7.2 2008

Women past thirty are trying to find satissfaction in their life even though they lack a satisfactory love relationship. Deals with friendship between women. In both stars the actress Amami Yuuki.
Tachibana Miyabi is 39-years-old and hasn't had a boyfriend in 5 years. This doesn't bother her though as she is pretty and confident and enjoys her life as a single woman. She is a doctor and runs her own successful dermatology clinic. But at her school reunion, she finds herself being pitied by others for still being single. Afterwards, she attends a gourmet meeting at a restaurant. There, she talks about her school reunion. Seiji, the owner of the restaurant, makes a biting remark that she isn't the type popular with men. She becomes upset by the remark, but finds herself taking his advice to heart. Eventually, she asks Seiji to mentor her on how to catch men to which Seiji agrees. What follows is a series of mishaps and triumphs and adventures as Miyabi does her best to be the 'type' of woman men want.