My Girl (2020)


If you enjoy these two main actors you will probably enjoy an older version of them during their new career lives! I don't know if it's just me... but "My Girl" seems like a sequel from "My Youth" with their older adult selves in another life (falling in love once again... with more romance and drama! Maybe it's meant to be...)!! Even the show titles are similar!! XD
KMHM= male lead has multiple personalities and does not remember what he does while in those alternative personas MG = female lead has PTSD which manifests as context-driven alternate personalities although later she might recall portions of what she did while being controlled by an alternative persona Both are rom coms
Both have a very similar message that encourages self love and confidence, no matter what you look like. Both FL have a scar that causes them a lot of insecurities, which the ML helps them to overcome.
As a child, Meng Hui was involved in a terrible accident. Though she has borne the physical scars of that moment on her face all her life, it’s the mental scars that have caused the greatest damage. Traumatized by the event, Meng Hui developed a dissociative identity disorder which causes her to switch between two distinct personalities at random. Never knowing when her alternate personality might emerge, Meng Hui has struggled all her life, to find a balance between her two sides. Now grown, Meng Hui works as a makeup artist who has started creating her own small line of homemade cosmetics. As fate would have it, she happens to cross paths with Shen Yi, the CEO of a large cosmetics company, during one of her episodes and suddenly declares herself to be his girlfriend. Though shocked by this sudden outburst, Shen Yi decides it’s better to save face by playing along, than make a scene in public. Shen Yi is rewarded for his seeming gallantry when he discovers, not long after that, Meng Hui has developed a liquid foundation that has the potential to revolutionize the cosmetics industry. Desperate to get his hands on her formula, Shen Yi continues to play the part of the devoted boyfriend, a fact that shocks Meng Hui once her alternate personality relinquishes control. Though at first, only interested in Meng Hui’s formula, Shen Yi soon finds himself falling for the girl fate seems to have thrown into his life, and even more surprising, she seems to be falling for him. However, their relationship is put to the ultimate test when Meng Hui learns that Shen Yi was the one responsible for the accident that changed her life, all those years ago. Will their love become the salve that heals their deepest wounds or will they find that some wounds really do leave permanent scars?
The two protagonists have scars from an accident in the past.............................................
Both have a FL that had her face disfigured, but still manage to find love.............................................
Both are about a woman with multiple personalities and her supportive boyfriend with childhood connection.
Both the story plots tells that we should not change ourself for others and we should love ourself more than anyone. both the story have something related to past which make them united as well as create some misunderstanding between them but in the end of both the drama the couples live happily. i highly recommend you to watch Love The Way You Are
As a child, Meng Hui was involved in a terrible accident. Though she has borne the physical scars of that moment on her face all her life, it’s the mental scars that have caused the greatest damage. Traumatized by the event, Meng Hui developed a dissociative identity disorder which causes her to switch between two distinct personalities at random. Never knowing when her alternate personality might emerge, Meng Hui has struggled all her life, to find a balance between her two sides. Now grown, Meng Hui works as a makeup artist who has started creating her own small line of homemade cosmetics. As fate would have it, she happens to cross paths with Shen Yi, the CEO of a large cosmetics company, during one of her episodes and suddenly declares herself to be his girlfriend. Though shocked by this sudden outburst, Shen Yi decides it’s better to save face by playing along, than make a scene in public. Shen Yi is rewarded for his seeming gallantry when he discovers, not long after that, Meng Hui has developed a liquid foundation that has the potential to revolutionize the cosmetics industry. Desperate to get his hands on her formula, Shen Yi continues to play the part of the devoted boyfriend, a fact that shocks Meng Hui once her alternate personality relinquishes control. Though at first, only interested in Meng Hui’s formula, Shen Yi soon finds himself falling for the girl fate seems to have thrown into his life, and even more surprising, she seems to be falling for him. However, their relationship is put to the ultimate test when Meng Hui learns that Shen Yi was the one responsible for the accident that changed her life, all those years ago. Will their love become the salve that heals their deepest wounds or will they find that some wounds really do leave permanent scars?
Be With You

8.0 2020

If you like Multi-couple dramas, I recommend watching My Girl. It has three couples in it too, and the chemistry between them is fun to watch. Another interesting similarity is, -Both FL have a reason to be around the "cold-arrogant" ML, except, the reason in My Girl is something you don't usually see. I won't say more, I'll leave it for you to decide :)

7.7 2019

As a child, Meng Hui was involved in a terrible accident. Though she has borne the physical scars of that moment on her face all her life, it’s the mental scars that have caused the greatest damage. Traumatized by the event, Meng Hui developed a dissociative identity disorder which causes her to switch between two distinct personalities at random. Never knowing when her alternate personality might emerge, Meng Hui has struggled all her life, to find a balance between her two sides. Now grown, Meng Hui works as a makeup artist who has started creating her own small line of homemade cosmetics. As fate would have it, she happens to cross paths with Shen Yi, the CEO of a large cosmetics company, during one of her episodes and suddenly declares herself to be his girlfriend. Though shocked by this sudden outburst, Shen Yi decides it’s better to save face by playing along, than make a scene in public. Shen Yi is rewarded for his seeming gallantry when he discovers, not long after that, Meng Hui has developed a liquid foundation that has the potential to revolutionize the cosmetics industry. Desperate to get his hands on her formula, Shen Yi continues to play the part of the devoted boyfriend, a fact that shocks Meng Hui once her alternate personality relinquishes control. Though at first, only interested in Meng Hui’s formula, Shen Yi soon finds himself falling for the girl fate seems to have thrown into his life, and even more surprising, she seems to be falling for him. However, their relationship is put to the ultimate test when Meng Hui learns that Shen Yi was the one responsible for the accident that changed her life, all those years ago. Will their love become the salve that heals their deepest wounds or will they find that some wounds really do leave permanent scars?
Debit Queen

7.3 2024

Xiao Cai Mi and My Girl are similar when it comes to the ML and FL.. if you are a fan and a shipper of Zhao Yi Qin and Li Jia Qi then you might want to add this on your list.
Both have a main protagonist, suffering from delusions. Both dramas involve his/her work and hobbies and most important... his/her delusions about his/her partner(s) in love.. as both of them are talented people with great personality which lack self-esteem and are looked down by others.

7.2 2021

As a child, Meng Hui was involved in a terrible accident. Though she has borne the physical scars of that moment on her face all her life, it’s the mental scars that have caused the greatest damage. Traumatized by the event, Meng Hui developed a dissociative identity disorder which causes her to switch between two distinct personalities at random. Never knowing when her alternate personality might emerge, Meng Hui has struggled all her life, to find a balance between her two sides. Now grown, Meng Hui works as a makeup artist who has started creating her own small line of homemade cosmetics. As fate would have it, she happens to cross paths with Shen Yi, the CEO of a large cosmetics company, during one of her episodes and suddenly declares herself to be his girlfriend. Though shocked by this sudden outburst, Shen Yi decides it’s better to save face by playing along, than make a scene in public. Shen Yi is rewarded for his seeming gallantry when he discovers, not long after that, Meng Hui has developed a liquid foundation that has the potential to revolutionize the cosmetics industry. Desperate to get his hands on her formula, Shen Yi continues to play the part of the devoted boyfriend, a fact that shocks Meng Hui once her alternate personality relinquishes control. Though at first, only interested in Meng Hui’s formula, Shen Yi soon finds himself falling for the girl fate seems to have thrown into his life, and even more surprising, she seems to be falling for him. However, their relationship is put to the ultimate test when Meng Hui learns that Shen Yi was the one responsible for the accident that changed her life, all those years ago. Will their love become the salve that heals their deepest wounds or will they find that some wounds really do leave permanent scars?