Adoring (2019)



7.6 2021

This was the first film I saw with this theme registered in the MDL... I found it interesting, but I confess that I found it a little strange.

7.6 2021

While one is fantasy and the other not, both are about the relationships between people and their pets.
Both male leads became blind. Both are good at sport. Very heart warming movies. Another loving person in his life played a big part of his future
Both male leads in both movies realized he gradually loosing vision and eyesights. They were scared, they learned to adjust and the female leads continue to support him
Both male leads has vision impairment. The Korean version “Two Lights…” the main couple both has vision impairment. Beautiful movies nevertheless. Sweet
Both are movies & have a golden retriever as a member of the cast. Adoring has a few other animal species cast members, but all will melt an animal lover's heart.
Both are about the relationship between a pet and owner and a mix of sweet, funny, and tear-jerking. One has fantasy, the other does not, but both are touching and deal with loss, loneliness, etc.