Hi Bye, Mama! (2020)


49 Days

8.2 2011

Both women come to their loved ones with an additional time of 49 days after death. In this extra time, they spend time to fulfill their wish or to understand the true meaning of life.
Both have a similar theme of life, death and philosophies of living. Both have life lessons and a lot of wisdom to impart. A happy ending in different ways, but they both evoke such feelings of sadness, longing and hope all at the same time.
Be With You

8.7 2018

Both have moms who come back from the dead. Both explore the importance of a mother's role in family and in life.
There are differences but the similarity i find is the concept of ghost and how these ghost are walking around their family members who are alive. Also there are side stories in both that is, the stories of some ghost, how did they die, why they haven't reincarnated etc. and our main character helping them out . Also i find out that both main characters are given specific missions to complete , if failed they will reincarnate . Both dramas basically shows life after death situations.
Oh My Ghost

8.3 2015

Both are about Ghost. SPOILER: there is a reference to Oh My Ghostess? in Hi Bye, Mama! so they are from the same world
Both dramas carry out a plot of a deceased mother and how important they are in a family. Also, both mothers accept their husbands to remarry since they have already died and want them and their daughters to be happy.
Both series give the same vibe about the love of family. Female lead in both series loved their mothers so much and they both have a child that they love.in GBC the female lead go back to the youth time and able to see her mother that already pass away while in HBM the female lead is back from death and able to spend time with her living mother again.
Both show tell a story of a husband with 2 wives. HBM is a story about the husband lost the first wife in accident and he married a second wife. However the first wife is back alive and meet the husband again. FW is a different plot where the husband married a wife but not happy with the marriage and was given a chance to change his lives in another world where he married a rich woman as his wife. However his previous wife in another live come back as his coworker in his current lives.
Hello Ghost

8.2 2010

Both showed that the ghosts decided to stay in the world of the living to watch over their loved ones who were left. The ghosts' unfinished businesses finally had proper closures. Both will make you laugh and cry!
Delivery Man

7.8 2023

Both dramas are set around ghosts / the supernatural..... Solving problems in everyday life .... same Trope
Similarities · Loss · Grief · Acceptance Both of these shows are sentimental and heartfelt. They teach viewers important lessons about death, life, and love. If you want the same feeling you felt while watching, "Move to Heaven," your best bet is to watch, "Hi Bye, Mama!"

8.1 2014

In both, the drama the female main lead does everything in her power to leave their child with a whole and happy family before they pass away/die. Both are Emotional Tearjerker dramas displaying the love of a mother and the things they do to make their children's life happy and fulfilling after they die. The drama Hi Bye, Mama! has a touch of supernatural to it.
In terms of story line they're a bit different. But both dramas have Female Lead who knows they don't have enough time to live and they'll do anything for their child. Both dramas also have wonderfully written supporting characters like the FLs Best friends. Plus the MLs emotional acting gives you same feeling. ..
find i like these two for alot of similar reasons. they have funny characters, romance, and a bit of focus on mental heallth. the characters and their relationships are believable.
Be With You

8.1 2004

Very similar premise. A young mom passes away, leaving behind her husband and young child. However, she comes back but only a short period of time.