The story follows the pain and growth of 17-year-old Min Jae and Seo Yeon. Min Jae is an ordinary, male high school student. He doesn't talk much and he has a bit of a sensitive personality. Min Jae gets good grades and doesn't cause trouble. Seo Yeon attends the same high school as Min Jae. They also graduated from the same middle school. She is an ordinary, female high school student. Two years ago, her parents divorced. Since then, she has lived with her mother. (Source: AsianWiki)
- Country:South Korea
- Episodes: 4
- Aired: Aug 5, 2019 - Aug 6, 2019
- Brodcast: Monday, Tuesday
- Duration: 30 min.
- Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older
- Score: 7.6/10(by 2,796 users)
- Ranked: #4906
- Popularity: #2484
- Watchers: 6.9K
- Screenwriter: Ryu Bo Ri
- Director: Jo Young Min
- Networks: SBS
- Genres: Romance ; Youth ; Melodrama
- Tags: Adolescence ;Cold Female Lead ;Mother-Son Relationship ;Mother-Daughter Relationship ;Character Development ;Nice Male Lead ;Student Female Lead ;Student Male Lead ;School Setting ;Sex Industry