The Captain (2019)


Happy Flight

7.4 2008

Both are about airplane problem. About captain landed the plane safe. The Captain is true story. Happy Flight is frustrating.
The Eyas

7.9 2019

While these two are very different there are some similarities such as -Both are related to planes -Both have teamwork One the other hand: The Eyas is more about the training of young adults to become pilots in the Airforce. The Captain is about the crisis that happens mid-flight.
New Horizon

7.2 2021

Although it is hardly similar, the Captain is based on a true incident and a miracle safe landing after the Co pilot's windscreen shattered at 30,000 feet and the captain had to fly manually in freezing temperatures!
Born to Fly

8.1 2023

While both movies are flight-related based on real stories, The Captain took place on the commercial airplane and Born to Fly was aircraft-related. The captain mainly showcased their only one scenario and the quick-wittedness of the pilot. Yet, Born to fly showed a span of time of the main lead progressing from being arrogant due to self-confidence to being mature especially in the face of death. Both movies showed how the pilots dealt with unexpected natural disaster while thousands of feet upon the ground.
The Moon

8.3 2023

If you like the captain, you will probably like the moon too. Even thought not much similarity is seen, the moon is related to space and astronaut. Yet, both illustrated the quick problem-solving process in the face of death without giving up. One faced problem of the airplane. Another faced the problem with the spacecraft. Highly recommended
Both thriller movies are about a crisis that took place at 36,000 feet. One is about bioterrorism while the other one is when the cockpit windshield blew out. They both tell what happened when a flight was forced to make an emergency landing.