Theatre: A Love Story (2020)


Relationship started on similar interests, both couples lived together, shows how both fall out of love & how both male leads try to bring the spark back but couldn't.
Similar theme about mostly platonic relationship, although in Boku Suki it's handled in much more light-hearted way instead of going to abyss like in Gekijou. The male leads are clumsy characters too, although again the one in Gekijou is a lot more pronounced. Both are also written by the same writer (Matayoshi Naoki).
Us and Them

8.4 2018

The slow burn romance, the misery, the depressive mood and the ending T.T The raw depiction of love and life were weaved together forming a reality. Both takes me tearing down by the end for how harsh reality truly is. You can love someone with all your heart but ended in different path; you can struggle life with someone but ended struggling to run away from them; you can try to hate someone you loved but your heart will never forget those who make you happy :'
Sweet & Sour

7.4 2021

Both show the rise and fall of a relationship. Both have an extremely unexpected ending that changes how you view the entire movie. Both have beautiful and intentional cinematography.
Quite similar. The two have their points of toxic relationships. Although in "Love at least" toxicity is taken to another level.

7.4 2017

I feel the movie a little bit similar, like in the end of Theathe and in the end of Parks and i had the same emotion, in Theatre is more explained there, but in Parks is more mystery about. The 2 movies are something that makes you thinka about it.

7.2 2020

Both raw indie like romance movies, only that in Theater a Love Story" is the male lead that tries to chase his dreams