The drama will use an original story that differs from the manga, revolving around 12 people who obtain a “future diary”, which allows them to write down “predictions” of the future that will come true. However, they are all part of a game of survival, in which they must use their diaries to try to kill each other and be the last one remaining, earning a place on the “God’s seat”. Hoshino Arata is a lazy college student who doesn’t believe in spending effort or working toward the future. One day, he gets a diary (the “future diary”) on his mobile phone, and he becomes involved in the game of survival.
- Country:Japan
- Episodes: 11
- Aired: Apr 21, 2012 - Jun 30, 2012
- Brodcast: Saturday
- Duration: 35 min.
- Rating: Not Yet Rated
- Score: 7.3/10(by 2,077 users)
- Ranked: #7626
- Popularity: #2521
- Watchers: 6.7K
- Screenwriter: Kuwamura Sayaka
- Director: Namiki Michiko
- Networks: Fuji TV
- Genres: Mystery ; Romance ; Sci-Fi
- Tags: Death Game ;Survival ;Death ;Game ;Murder ;Adapted From A Manga ;Psychological ;Investigation