A Murderous Affair in Horizon Tower (2020)


Both c-dramas are done by the same director and also written by the same screenwriter. Both are making one stay glued to the screen, wondering about the truth behind what has happened. Both are absolutely gripping thrillers that are unique and very well done
Both are murder detective drama (Dream Detective has several cases, while Horizon Tower is only 1 case), have same dark theme and shine a light on social prejudices and injustice. With very strong acting cast and well-paced plot **thumbs up**
Tender Light

7.9 2024

both dramas are adaptations from novels with investigation and suspense and have crime, mystery and thriller genre

8.2 2021

Strong female friendship found in unlikely time/place that lead them to do crime for each other. Twisty with similar social messages.
To Love

8.1 2020

Suspense!! And this one is shorter- only 12 episodes! The pacing, OST, and cinematography are equally as good, if not better. Oh, and the production quality is amazing as well.
-Similar vibes -Similar story telling style -Investigation+Crime -Both Address several hot issues -Both are well executed
The two will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. They are both about investigation and finding the truth while everyone is lying to protect their interest. In both there is the aspect of brotherly love that goes beyond everything. There is also the aspect of mental health due to chilhood difficulties in both. And in the end, they will both blew your mind away.
In both dramas a woman died in a building. The other tenants of that building are connected to the victim. Throughout both dramas one is left wondering who is the killer and what has happened. Topics such as class-differences, unfaithfulness, lies and manipulation are in both dramas a topic.
Both dramas cover crime cases that dig into the cases by giving each suspect a background story, dramatized with flashbacks as to why they did what they did. Both dramas have gripping cases and stories that make the viewer curious what will happen next.

8.1 2024

The show focus on one person in the center, which is being narrated in different characters by other related people. Also contain mystery element
The focus on the crimes on women woven into the story feels very similar. Also the vibe and the production quality of both drama is at par. Look wise & length wise , both drama feel same. Under the skin has various cases but Murderous affair has one case that spans whole length and has an ensamble cast.
Both story revolves around certain group of people and a murder happened in the place. Very detailed and tiwsts in each episodes. If u like this u may like the other one too
Burning Ice

7.8 2017

Both dramas have a case that is connected to characters that share a tragic past. In both dramas the focus lays on the detectives who investigate the case and the people who are suspects. Both give of a similar vibe regarding the emotional aspect of the cases and the tragic background story. Both dramas question the topic of "is the law-system always right?"
The Bad Kids

8.6 2020

They have very different plots but both have unique plot-twisters that will keep you on the edge of your seat and deal with dark themes/suspense/thrill. Horizon Tower has more mystery while Bad Kids has a unreliable narrator that requires the viewers to read-between-the-scenes to find the real truth.
In both dramas a murder took place in an apartment complex and all the tenants seems to somehow be involved. Both dramas seem to be very clear in the beginning on what truly happed but over the course of the episodes many things turn out to be more complicated and twisted than they first seem to be.