Set in the Great Liang dynasty, the story revolves around Tian Xiang Restaurant, a famed restaurant in Wu Xia City. Shopkeeper Zhu Chengbi and accountant Chang Qing are known to be bickering couple. They underwent many heart-pounding and earth-shaking incidents and together came up with many delicious dishes. Each dishes encompass and tell a different story, and reflect a different meaning. In the end, the Langyang King decides to pit Zhu Chengbi and Chang Qing against each other to save his own life. He forces Chengbi to make a dish that extends one's lifespan, and freed the black kirin due to his own greed; thus destroying Lian Xin Tower and Wu Xia City. Under his manipulation, Chengbi evolved into a Taotie and almost swallowed Chang Qing. Eventually, Chang Qing awakened Chengbi and everything starts all over again. (Source: DramaWiki)
- Country:China
- Episodes: 40
- Duration: 45 min.
- Rating: Not Yet Rated
- Score: /10(by 0 users)
- Ranked: #43478
- Popularity: #7464
- Watchers: 1.4K
- Screenwriter: Cheung Tan
- Director: Cheng Ming Ko
- Networks: Youku
- Genres: Adventure ; Historical ; Romance ; Fantasy
- Tags: Chinese Mythology ;Adapted From A Web Novel ;Historical Fiction ;Liang Dynasty ;Reincarnation ;Food