Detective Young Jin, haunted by the unsolved murder of her friend by the 'Stigmata' serial killer 19 years ago, is determined to find the killer. Living a solitary life, her only connection is with her downstairs neighbor's son, Eun Ho, who helps her with household chores. When Eun Ho falls into a coma after seemingly falling from a building, Young Jin suspects foul play. With the help of Eun Ho’s teacher, Sun Woo, she begins to uncover that his injuries were no accident. (Source: MyDramaList)
- Country:South Korea
- Episodes: 16
- Aired: Mar 2, 2020 - Apr 21, 2020
- Brodcast: Monday, Tuesday
- Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
- Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older
- Score: 8.5/10(by 5,260 users)
- Ranked: #590
- Popularity: #835
- Watchers: 21.5K
- Screenwriter: Kim Eun Hyang
- Director: Lee Jung Heum
- Networks: SBS
- Genres: Thriller ; Mystery ; Drama ; Melodrama
- Tags: Smart Female Lead ;Murder ;Trauma ;Death ;Unusual Friendship ;Calm Female Lead ;Friendship ;Self-harm ;Conspiracy ;Coma