Mystic Pop-Up Bar (2020)


The Golden Spoona dn Mystic Pop-up Bar are both great dramas if you enjoy fantasy genre, and/or seeing Yook Sungjae and Choi Wonyeong's performances. Both stories are based in fantasy and challenge society's taboo topics such as class differences (poverty vs. riches), depression, slumps, etc. The Golden Spoon is a darker drama where you are able to follow the struggle of the main cast as they navigate their surroundings, and make life-altering decisions that affect themselves and those around them. If you were able to change your life, what price would you be willing to pay? On the other hand, Mystic Pop-up Bar is still able to tackle heavy topics with a brighter, more hopeful spin. Sometimes there are things that can't be accomplished in real life, yet can be done in the realm of dreams. The cast and supporting casts bring us on a healing journey of tackling fears, overcoming traumas and self-discovery with magic that literally makes dreams come true. Both Choi Wonyeong and Yook Sungjae are part of the main cast, giving stellar performances in vastly constrasting roles.
Although these dramas do not have similar premises, they do have one similar plot device. Both of the couples in these dramas knew each other in their past lives, and the FL's both died because of the ML's.
Genre: Mystery, comedy, fantasy Both have a MC who runs a studio/bar with a part timer which is a disguise to help the wandering souls in resolving their problems or fulfilling their last wishes. MC is looking for someone related to him/ her (family).
Both of these dramas also use the plot device of reincarnation. Both of these dramas have the same FL. And both have very good bromance. Both of these are also very comedic while being mysterious at the same time.
They both have ghosts with unresolved problems stopping them going onto the afterlife which are dealt with by the main characters.
Helping people deal with their troubles. Characters bound by tragedy, and ultimately coming to work together as a result. Found family aspect.