"Extracurricular” is centered around four high school students who start committing crimes to earn money and the unpredictable dangers they face as a result. Ji Soo, who goes from a model student to a criminal after committing an unthinkable act. Jung Da Bin as school bully Min Hee, who gets caught up in Ji Soo’s crime. Park Joo Hyun will portray Ji Soo’s dangerous partner in crime Gyu Ri, while Nam Yoon Soo will appear as Min Hee’s boyfriend and the school’s most popular guy Ki Tae. (Source: Soompi)
- Country:South Korea
- Episodes: 10
- Aired: Apr 29, 2020
- Brodcast: Wednesday
- Duration: 55 min.
- Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)
- Score: 8.3/10(by 42,837 users)
- Ranked: #949
- Popularity: #101
- Watchers: 84.4K
- Screenwriter: Jin Han Sae
- Director: Kim Jin Min
- Networks: Netflix
- Genres: Psychological ; Crime ; Youth ; Drama
- Tags: Sex Trafficking ;Prostitution ;Illegal Business ;High School ;Smart Male Lead ;Violence ;Rich Female Lead ;School Bullying ;Slight Romance ;Child Abandonment